Monday, January 28, 2008

VZ Update 1-28-08

Report thru Sunday 1-27-07

Campaign leaders estimate 5800 Professions of faith in Christ so far.

The evangelism is being done in streets, parks, youth baseball camps, schools, homes, etc. God is blessing in extraordinary ways.

House church planting teams began work on the Central University of Venezuela campus Friday. This is the premere university in Venezuela. God guided us to a location on campus where there was much foot traffic. We set up under a tree and began singing praise to our Savior. Some began walking and praying other past out gospel tracts. The Spirit guided us to many Divine appointments. There was a refreshing openness by most. I am not sure how many came to Christ but many. The simple church planters with us are not focused on counting but walking with Christ as He builds His church. We met most of the campus evangelical leaders by his design thru the day. They were very excited with the vision of simple multiplying campus churches. We took an big group of them to diner in the evening and guided them further into the vision. We worshipped with a large established group on Sunday. We have many meetings set up to help evangelise friends of new believers on campus and form churches. We intend to leave many new churches on campus when we leave next week.

De McCleery led a hotel employee to Christ this morning while waiting for the group members. She asked to set up a meeting with him and some of his friends at the hotel. He committed to meet and asked if he could bring a bus load. We will meet today at 6:00 pm.

The opportunity to meet with Hugo Chavez went thru the highest level cabinet officials. There was no time on his schedule this week. Officials have committed to a meeting with the president in a few weeks. Those being invited will make a way to do the meeting when it comes together.

We met saturday with the most driven apostle I know, Carlos Fuentes. He serves on the coast of Vz near Caracas. He has committed to spend time with me to understand more fully the way of multiplication. God is establishing a beach head on the coast of Vz to claim the nation as a Christian nation. I meet with one of the emerging pastors moving into the simple church patterns Wednesday.

Israel Rodriquez of Velencia some two hours from Caracas is serving as my interpreter. He is becoming an extraordinary church planting movement facilitator. God is drawing people to him who are apostolicly gifted.

Thanks for praying. You are making a difference. gg

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