Sunday, January 20, 2008

Victory in Venezuela 12-3-07

Harvest Laborers, I am writing to thank you for your prayers for Venezueula. You may have heard the the referendum to increase governmental power and remove term limits for the president failed. Venezuelan simple church advocate Isrrael Rodrequez writes, "Chavez lost the referendum, to God be the Glory." Friends this is a great victory for democracy and for the Kingdom. Hundreds of thousands of great commission Christians have been praying to this end. Thank you for enjoining the battle. The struggles are not over. Demon possessed power mongers have a plethora of ways to manipulate. Please continue to pray. Progression toward the Caracas stadium crusade in January continues. There remains much vulnerability to the government and circumstances. Please continue to pray into the harvest in Venezuela. As you know as we answer the gentle urges from the Spirit to pray, Heavens power reigns on earth. You are a strategic part of God's plan for history. Thanks for all you do in Christ. Merry Christmas to you and those you love. Your grateful brother. gail.

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