Sunday, January 20, 2008

Africans Join the Team 1-18-08

Greetings Co-Laborers in Christ. Thanks for your interest and prayer for the harvest in Venezuela. Please be aware that our reservations for the baseball stadium in Caracas were canceled. The Venezuelan leaders decided to have evangelistic meetings in many places through out the city of Caracas including the baseball camps for youth, church buildings, parks and street evangelism. Our house church planters will be working in concert with these activities to evangelise and plant churches 24 January through 3 February. Our church planters from outside Vz have increased to 18. Miraculously, several are joining us from Africa who are involved in church planting movements in their countries. I will be traveling this Sunday 20 January and plan to stay through 17 February. Please continue to pray for the precious people of Venezuela. Our hope is that churches will multiply through the nation and continent and take evangelism, discipleship and Godliness to the uttermost part of our world. Your contribution of prayer is of the utmost importance. Thanks for all you do in Christ. Your brother, gail.

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