Thursday, January 24, 2008

Venezuela Victory 1-24-08

Report thru Tuesday 1-22-07 from Venezuela leader Alex Montero:

¨74 volanteers from USA in Caracas

370 volanteer workers from other areas in Venezuela traveling to Caracas to help.

2858 Professions of faith in Christ.¨

As you know the stadium reservations were cancelled. The evangelism is being done in streets, parks, youth baseball camps, schools, homes, etc. God is blessing in extraordinary ways.

House church planting teams will commence work tomorrow on the Central University of Venezuela campus. This is the premeire university in Venezuela. The future leaders of the nation are there. God has given us clear direction. There are twelve of us now plus interpreters.

The opportunity to meet with Hugo Chavez is before the highest level cabinet officials. The request will be presented to him Friday for a meeting Sunday. This will be personally requested by a top official who is very close to him. I hope to share the entire process with you soon. It is miracules to go this far.

We prayed at length today with the most respected Christian leader from the Venezuelan rain forest. He is the grand son of the first convert of the Venezuelan jungle. He is a powerful veteran Kingdom builder. He is in Caracas helping with the campaign.

We bumped into Sister Belsie fro Porte Ayacuho who is here helping from the gate way to the rain forest. She was in our house church training in October. She has started five house churches since then not previously reported. She wanted to know what to do about all the people who want to be baptized. We prayed with her and encouraged her to seek the Lord with each group together ask ask Him to direct each group individually.

Thanks for praying. You are making a difference. gg

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