Friday, February 22, 2008

Venezuela Update 2-13-08


We have had awesome meetings with Vz simple church advocates. Issrael Rodriquez has emerged as a powerful apostolically gifted simple church multiplier. He and I spent the day with Carlos Fuentes last Friday of the coastal area near CCS of Vargas. He is working with 12 new house churches. God is raising him up as an example for people to see in Vz.

We had a great lengthy meeting with Franklin Diaz of Valencia. He has come a long way to the good since September 2007. History was made at the annual convention of Vz Baptist last week. One of the house churches that Franklin works with was officially accepted into the convention. Never before have they accepted a church with no sponsoring church. The group has no building or designated pastor and is committed to multiplication. It was controversial but it passed. This is a huge indication of acceptance and validation of a new breed of churches. Vz Baptist also adopted a challenge statement for the year, “Back to Our Roots.” This indicates a strong desire to follow the pure patterns of the first century church. It reminds me of the great and popular statement of Robert Fitts, 'Return to Simplicity.' Friends, the walls are coming down in answer to your prayer.

IRod, Carlos Fuentes and I spent the day Monday with Edgar Pinto of the Guarenus area east of Caracas proper. He works with ten new house churches reaching to the coast east of the city of Caracas. Our Lord is raising him up as a Vz example as well. We went deeply into Kingdom vision together. Holy Spirit engulfed us. These guys are far more advanced in the Kingdom dynamics than I could have hoped for by this time. Their willingness to empower and release the little strongholds of Heaven is beyond belief.

Please pray for these key harvest workers…..Issrael Rodriquez of Valencia…….Carlos Fuentes of Vargas…….. Edgar Pinto of Guarenus……. Franklin Diaz of Valencia

You are a strategic part of God’s plan for the history of Venezuela. Your prayers carry the power of Heaven to earth. Thank you for giving to the Lord. Your brother, gail.

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